Sunday, August 4, 2013

More Good Things

Isaac is doing so well! He feeds himself crackers and small foods like a champ. He is refining his pincer skills as well. I still wonder if we need an Occupational Therapist. He can get up better from his back to sitting and is going from all fours to sitting more. Now he has started to pull himself up to kneeling position. Awesome. He is starting to eat more and more regular foods. He loves them! It makes more work and mess for me, but it is wonderful!
Through all of his accomplishments I have to remember to make a big deal when Amelia does something good, too. Often I think we make a huge deal when Isaac does something good, but Amelia needs just as much excitement and credit. She is also doing amazing things. Her puzzle, matching, and other skills are great. She draws with such ability, sings songs, understands so much, etc.
I am so blessed to have these two amazing children!

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