When a came in a few minutes later he was having a meltdown on the floor.
I couldn't figure out what had brought this on. I quickly carried him to his room-his safe place- to calm down. Luckily, I was still calm at that moment. I went into his room, even though he hadn't totally calmed down, and talked to him.

When I went back to the kitchen I saw the Pediasure still sitting on the counter.
He thought I hadn't got it for him.
He thought I didn't understand, or that I was ignoring his request.
That was the reason for the melt down.
I brought him his Pediasure, trying to explain I had gotten it for him and set it on the counter. He gratefully took the sippy cup and downed it. He was totally fine after that.
Poor guy. I would be frustrated, too if no one understood me.
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