Sunday, September 3, 2017

New dog!

Hey it's been awhile-did you miss me? What, you didn't miss all the dog drama around here? Cuz if you did, I've got more!

Actually it's not so much good drama as it is great news!

Despite my last post of saying what our decision was, I flip-flopped A LOT. But I will save you that background story. In the end we stuck with our decision.

You know, the one I already felt good about but doubted and got all confused again? Yeah, that's the one.

And might I just add a little reminder here for myself, regarding both Roxy and Daisy and everything we went through to get where we are now:

Doctrine and Covenants section 6:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things.

"Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?"

So yes, considering the rightness I felt in getting both Roxy and Daisy, given we didn't want one dog to begin with, we now have two dogs to fulfill two purposes.

Oh, and without further adeu, here's Isaac’s official service dog, Daisy, AKA Roxy’s sista from anotha mista. She is a purebred black Labrador. She is 8 months old, so only one month older than Roxy.
Roxy is on the left. Daisy is on the right. I didn't get many pictures of her
because she was only with us a few days before going to training.
Daisy licks you to death and isn't nippy at all. She jumps up on everyone all the time, but never barks. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't pee every time a new person comes (like someone I know;) She is small, but has a lot of power and energy (just like Isaac). And most importantly...drum roll please...she isn't scared of people!

You guys, I've learned a lot about service dogs and the business surrounding them through this crazy journey. I'd say the most important thing in finding a service dog is their temperament. I know, it seems like a no brainer, but it's true.

Now, even saying that, we love Roxy and her temperament-as a family dog.

I know that many who have met Roxy think she is "psycho," as one person lovingly put it, but she is a sweet, tender-hearted, cuddly puppy. Because Daisy will be solely for Isaac, it will be nice to have a dog that Jeremy can take camping and hiking, one I can cuddle up on the couch with, and one Millie and Eliza can love as well.

Another bonus is that the two dogs get their energy out playing with each other. I don't have to entertain Roxy so much, so it makes some things easier. played with each other and it wore Roxy out. She also was let nippy. I think it will be good for them to have a friend.

There are some small concerns with Daisy, like her smaller size, since Isaac will get much bigger. She also tends to run when she does get scared, which is rare. This is an issue with tethering. This is when Isaac is tethered to her. If she bolts, it wouldn't be good! But we are continuing with training and it looks like most of it will be here at home so that she gets a lot of interaction with Isaac.

This also means I have a new part-time job for the next four months, so we will see how that goes....

But I am hopeful that this is all going to work out. I don't want to go looking for another dog! But don't worry, we wouldn't keep three dogs!

I'm just happy to be moving forward and am excited to see how things work out.

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