There are these trials that people go through that nobody desires to go through. They are "Big" trials. The "hardest" trials. Death, disability, cancer, war, etc.
Everyone has trials. That's just life.
I've found that since I have an obvious trial (special needs children) that people often compare their lives and trials to mine.
I know of those that have/had cancer that were in the same boat.
But I really like what a friend of mine posted on Facebook recently:
Just your random reminder that being blessed with opportunities others might not have doesn't mean you aren't allowed to complain or be frustrated or sad about them occasionally. Pain is pain and it doesn't matter if someone else "has it worse" or that you're "so lucky to even have the chance". Let's support each other and not compare, shall we?

I really liked this, especially because it came to me on a day that I was feeling like, "You know what? I shouldn't be feeling this way! There are people in 3rd world countries starving and others in war zones."
And although it's true that I could have a much harder life, I don't think we need to discount out own hard things. (However, I don't believe in feeling sorry for yourself all the time).
It's normal to feel like life is hard sometimes.
It's okay to feel down in the dumps sometimes because of the things you are going through.
What's key is not to stay down in the dumps.
Just remember, we all have different lives, circumstances, and problems. Instead of judging others on how they handle things, just be willing to help them through. Even when something seems small to you, it could be devastating to them.
I have had wonderful people all around me, especially my mom, who have helped me threw the tough things. Like when Roxy came back home, she left this sign on my front door with balloons and goodies.
And when I found out Eliza has Fragile X Syndrome, she through a little party at my house celebrating the news, instead of mourning the loss. It made a huge difference.
We can make a huge difference in the lives of others just by being kind and helpful during a difficult time in their life.
We all have different trials that range all across the scale, but we all have hearts that can be wounded; hearts that can be healed.
I'm thankful for the One that can heal all broken hearts and painful experiences. The One that can get us through a bad hair day or a year of terrible tragedies. That One is Christ.
Without my Savior, I would be lost. He got me through times I never thought I'd be able to get through. He brought peace to my heart when I felt peace impossible.

"And I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea, and in all manner of afflictions; yea, God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me." -Alma 36:27
Life is hard so that we can prove ourselves here on this earth. Trials are part of the plan of happiness. We cannot know true happiness if we have never experienced sadness, pain, heartache, and despair.
So although I have wished my own trials would just go away, I like to remember that all of it will work for my good, will make me a better person, will help me be more understanding and loving towards others, and will bring me closer to Christ.
Find something-just one thing- good in your life.
See the humor in daily living that can make you laugh and bring joy for just a moment
This just goes to show you that being weird helps me cope lol |
Life is hard, so let's help each other out!
You can do this!
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