Monday, July 31, 2017

Eliza's Big News

I know I mostly talk about Isaac (or the dog), but I do have other children!;) Eliza also has Fragile X Syndrome, but seems to be further a head than Isaac was. In fact, I can officially say that...drum roll please....


She isn't even 18 months yet. She's such a *Rock Star*

Besides having FXS, she also has a possible lazy eye and astigmatism. I'm surprised she can walk as well as she does.

When walking, she has to put her belly first to balance things out or else she'll topple over.

I have to giggle at her belly-it's so big and round! 
I think she ate as much dirt as watermelon that day.
The other day she ate four waffles. She eats a bowl of oatmeal plus more for breakfast. Oh, and she loves sweets. Heaven help us!

We joke that we will have to put a lock on the fridge when she gets older...

We love our sweet little Eliza. She brings such joy! I am so happy we have her.

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