Wednesday, May 22, 2013


So I thought I would post something positive!:)
I love our children so much. Isaac has opened up to me a whole new world! So many people open up to me in ways I never would have experienced before. I am amazed at how many people have family members with disabilities. There is a reason why there are so many in the world today. I wonder if it is partly because the world is so wicked and God wants to protect his children and/or if we need them here to help us.
Isaac brings so much joy to everyone that meets him. His smile is so contagious and same with his happiness. It is so fun to have him around. Everyone just loves him. He is so cute! How could you not love him? (I know-I AM his mother, ya know).
I feel blessed to have such sweet children in my home. They can be so hard sometimes, but it is wonderful. 

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