Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Amelia is one special girl. This isn't the life I had always wished to give her, but I'd say it is still a good life. I can't imagine growing up with a brother who has Fragile X Syndrome. I can't imagine the things she will face. Jeremy and I know that she is a very special girl, a special spirit sent to our home. What a blessing she is. My sister often tells me how lucky I am that I have one of my children that will carry on a conversation with me, lead the way for my son, and be there for support.
I hope that she will be Isaac's protector and friend. I feel she is. I hope that she will continue loving him and seeing him like any other little brother. I have no idea what is in store for her in the future, except for the fact that it is a bright future full of potential. I am so thankful I have my little Amelia. I know she is my little angel. I don't know what I would do without her.

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