Sunday, December 29, 2013

Isaac is showing more and more progress towards walking and I couldn't be happier! We are trying to work with him, walking with him everywhere we go. Sometimes it is more convenient just to pick him up and go where I need to, but I try to be diligent because I know the harder I work, the better off he will be. (No pressure!)
This little guy is power.
I am so blessed! His smile brightens my day, not to mention everyone else's. I hope that smile NEVER fades. I still cannot go anywhere without comments from others. Love it.

I know this blog is sometimes a rant BUT I'm trying to be more grateful. I had an epiphany the other day. I was thinking of embarrassment, fear, pity, etc. that sometimes enters my life and how it can be wiped out by GRATITUDE.

Besides, it could always be worse ha ha.

Isaac wants to say something...

xs bn  hjgg fhj.vkbvkgbhm vhrthfnbgngyu

Yup, just like his mama.

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