Sunday, May 18, 2014


Well, ladies and gentleman...drum role please....Isaac now has glasses! It only took us two weeks to get them ha. And as expected he will not keep them on. However, he sometimes wears them, so that's good. We are continually trying to help him. It is hard because we do not really know if the prescription is right and there is no sure way he can tell us. Here's to hoping.
He has another appointment in four weeks to see if everything is good. The pediatric eye doctor said there were other options if the glasses don't work, but I'm skeptical about anything else.
Also, they are worried that Isaac may have a tumor behind one of his eyes, but hopefully it is just an effect of him being far sighted and not an actual tumor. I told him he already had a brain scan not too long ago and they didn't said everything looked normal, but I'm sure he will have me do another  one. Joy. At least our insurance pays for those because there is no coverage for glasses or eye doctor visits. Joy.

Well, that's that. I'll keep ya'll updated:)

Old McDonald Had a Farm

I have tried to read Isaac books with animals/animal sounds for awhile now in hopes that it would help his speech. He never really gives me cues that he is learning; one day he will just surprise me.
TODAY was the day! When I was reading an animal book he said,"moo," "neigh," "baa," and his own version of a puppy sound. It was AWESOME to say the least. One proud mama.
On Mother's Day he said, "uh oh," which was the best present I could have ever gotten from my little boy.
I am SOOOO proud of him! He is learning and progressing and I know he will continue to overcome many challenges in his life.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Dream, A Reality

I had a dream a while back. It was awful. All around me were wounded people. It was a gory scene. One was in a full body cast on a wheelchair. others had open wounds. No one was whole.
I woke up disturbed, but soon realized this dream was more like a vision where Heavenly Father was trying to tell me something-a few things.
Just as Elder Holland said in General Conference Oct. 2013, if you have a broken leg, you go to the doctor. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
The Good Samaritan-Image from

What I learned
1) I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I got a priesthood blessing but it was much later that I also got the medical help I needed. Elder Holland suggested that our Heavenly Father would expect us to do both when needed.
2) We are all wounded whether by others, sin, trial, infertility, wayward children, etc. we just can't see it readily. And most hide it. But if we could see it, we would all see what I saw in that dream and would be more willing to help those in more serious need-spiritual.
3) I know that we are surrounded by others to help each other. We need to help each other!Sometimes we need to do that by being a friend, getting to know someone, complimenting, encouraging, etc. This is the stitching up, a band-aid here and there.

For example, I got a band-aid from my mom when visiting me each week.
A bandage from my neighbors helping with kids and just caring about me.
              Jeremy stitched me back together again after we found out Isaac has FXS, special needs.

Well, the truth is we all have special needs.
However, the true healing comes through Christ and the enabling power of the atonement.

"Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief."
“Our whole family is pleading. Our struggle never ceases. We are exhausted. Our son falls into the water. He falls into the fire. He is continually in danger, and we are continually afraid. We don’t know where else to turn. Can you help us? We will be grateful for anything—a partial blessing,  a glimmer of hope, some small lifting of the burden carried by this boy’s mother every day of her life.”

I know that one day we all will be made whole, complete, healed through our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Millie, the sibling:)

You would think that having a typical child would be easier than having a child with special needs, but sometimes I wonder....
Battery operated Easter Train delight. (Best 2.99 ever)

Millie is a doll. She needs a lot of love, time, and attention (like all other kids). At this age she does not understand that Isaac gets more attention because a) he is younger and b) he requires more attention because of his circumstances, aka FXS.

It is hard when she talks like a baby because she thinks it will get her more attention like Isaac.
It is hard when she refuses to potty train...because Isaac is in diapers?
It is hard when they fight-literally-for my attention.
It is hard when she misbehaves because Isaac is getting more attention.
It is hard.....


It is good when she tries to help him eat
It is good when she gets him a toy when he is upset
It is good when she quiets him to sleep
It is good when she wants to hug him and give him kisses
It is good...

Sometimes I just don't know how to address the hard stuff. So I pray for inspiration and gifts, I study the scriptures, I go to school, and I just....keep....trying.....
I know I need help as a parent, so I'm looking for it:)

Jeremy AKA Mr. Mom

Who's this handsome, backpacking, woodworking, hard working, camping, scouting, Mr. Mom? Oh, that's just my husband, Jeremy. I'm in love:)

Now that I am going to school Jeremy has picked up on some of my more motherly tasks. He bathes the children, gets their dinner (I usually have it prepared, but he sometimes cooks!), puts one (sometimes two) to bed, and cleans up. I know, right? Score!!! Thank you, Pam, for teaching this man the way to do it. I actually think he is better at cleaning and other things than I am...

So this is just a shout out for Jeremy for being amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

And thanks to my mom and other family members showing their love, help, and support while I try to finish my degree at BYU.

PS, he made me breakfast this morning (waffles, strawberry puree, and whipped cream-my favorite) and MADE me this great card.

Becoming A "Professional Parent"

Many of you may not be aware of the realities of raising a child with Fragile X Syndrome or any type of special need. Sometimes parents just can't do it or are not willing to. However, no parent does it alone-it takes specialists, therapists, family, friends, etc. No parent raises ANY child alone, really.

There is something called a "Professional Parent." They are paid to take care of other people's children. Typically this type of situation only happens in more extreme cases. It is similar to foster care but these parents are specially trained, etc.

So why am I telling you this? No, we will not be doing professional parenting. Wanna know why? Because I'm becoming the Professional Parent of Isaac! Yup. Me. Let me explain.

I never want to give my child up.

But sometimes I do get fearful.
                                             ...Until faith kicks in.
You see, I started school again.
I know. Cool, huh?

It's been over four years and I am going to BYU. Yeah, the place I never thought I would go, never wanted to go, some things still irritate me,.....but that's where I am. This is where I am supposed to be. How do I know?

After four years of trying, a handful of school searching, looking at different minors, etc. etc. this actually worked out. It was still hard. I still had obstacles that made me think, "I'm doing this!  I don't care if I sent you the wrong paper, if I had to call because you made a mistake, if ...." and then I calm down and thank Heavenly Father that it worked out, realizing the only way I could really know that it was right at this crazy time of my life was through the trial and error.
My new desk/book case I'm in love with. Thanks Mom!

So why do I say Professional Parent (somewhat sarcastically)? Because I am studying Family Life with an emphasis in Human Development and (hopefully) a minor in Communication Disorders.

Some may think...seriously? The Mom Major? The easy major? The pointless waster? Think what you will. This knowledge is power.

Where is the world failing most? Family life. What proclamation came out in 1995 by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Why is society hanging by a thread and so much confusion? Disturbance of the true family life! I will defend my major, but mostly
                                                                                                        I will defend family.

From now on I want to be a sharper tool in God's hand to promote the wellness, sanctity, and power of families. I want to be a light and pillar for my community, my family, and the Church.

We all need to know how to defend families. We all need to know the facts.
As my Professor says, "You have to speak their language." When you go to a foreign country, you learn their language or else they will not understand you (with the exception of the gift of tongues, of course:)
When a non-member, atheist, researcher, journalist, etc. asks you why we do not support gay marriage, etc. do you know how to respond and why? Do you know how to speak their language so that they will understand and be more accepting?

Off the soap box.
Visiting Uncle Joel at work. Go John Deere!
Working With Isaac

 Needless to say, no one can do what I can do for Isaac. No one will do what I will do for Isaac. I am his professional parent. I am his mother.

Teaching and having fun: cleaning time!

No one can show Amelia that she is a daughter of God like I can. No one can show her that she is wonderful just the way she is like I can. I am her professional parent. I am her mother.
The best daddy and hubby with his son

I am Heavenly Father's daughter. And together (with my amazing hubby!) we can do this parenting thing!