Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Dream, A Reality

I had a dream a while back. It was awful. All around me were wounded people. It was a gory scene. One was in a full body cast on a wheelchair. others had open wounds. No one was whole.
I woke up disturbed, but soon realized this dream was more like a vision where Heavenly Father was trying to tell me something-a few things.
Just as Elder Holland said in General Conference Oct. 2013, if you have a broken leg, you go to the doctor. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
The Good Samaritan-Image from

What I learned
1) I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I got a priesthood blessing but it was much later that I also got the medical help I needed. Elder Holland suggested that our Heavenly Father would expect us to do both when needed.
2) We are all wounded whether by others, sin, trial, infertility, wayward children, etc. we just can't see it readily. And most hide it. But if we could see it, we would all see what I saw in that dream and would be more willing to help those in more serious need-spiritual.
3) I know that we are surrounded by others to help each other. We need to help each other!Sometimes we need to do that by being a friend, getting to know someone, complimenting, encouraging, etc. This is the stitching up, a band-aid here and there.

For example, I got a band-aid from my mom when visiting me each week.
A bandage from my neighbors helping with kids and just caring about me.
              Jeremy stitched me back together again after we found out Isaac has FXS, special needs.

Well, the truth is we all have special needs.
However, the true healing comes through Christ and the enabling power of the atonement.

"Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief."
“Our whole family is pleading. Our struggle never ceases. We are exhausted. Our son falls into the water. He falls into the fire. He is continually in danger, and we are continually afraid. We don’t know where else to turn. Can you help us? We will be grateful for anything—a partial blessing,  a glimmer of hope, some small lifting of the burden carried by this boy’s mother every day of her life.”

I know that one day we all will be made whole, complete, healed through our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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