Sunday, August 17, 2014

Happy NEWS!!!

DSPD (Department of Services For Physical DIsabilities or something like that) contacted me. We have been on their waiting list for over a year now, I think and will probably be on their longer BUT we got word that we will get a one-time respite offer. We get allotted a budget for respite care for Isaac to use throughout the year. It is going to be wonderful! People will come to the house or we can bring him to a facility where people know how to work with him, offer therapeutic services, and watch him for "free!" I am so excited for this opportunity and hope that it works well for Isaac and our family.

Did I forget to tell you?

It's been probably a month or two, but I don't think I posted about Isaac falling on the cement flower bed corner while walking around. He scraped up his nose and I thought for sure it was broken. I don't think it was....but it wasn't pleasant. (We missed Millie's dance class that day and I locked my keys in the was a good day...) He couldn't wear his glasses for almost a week.

After that incident about a week later on the 4th of July he got kicked in the mouth by his cousin on the swing. Neither of them understand the concept of swinging with people around. We went to the emergency and he had two chipped teeth and a slice in his lip, but no stitches or anything. We had them look at his nose then, too. We have to pay so much, might as well make it worth it!

Poor little guy.

I think he is tough, though because he probably hits his head at least five times a day every time he has a's a lot of tantrums.

Isaac's First Sleepover

About a month ago Jeremy and I decided to go on a backpacking trip. This was my first ever! We were worried how Isaac would do. He frequently wakes up at night even though he is tired and has fits. (Like having giant, loud, newborn) That's another story. Anyway we were worried about having him spend the night.

I am happy to report that he slept better than he usually does and all went peachy! He even ate what my sister cooked for him (Hallelujah). Half the time he only eats cheese and fish crackers. Oh, and avocados, thank goodness.

Jeremy and I were alone in the middle of no where and had a moose stay the night with us, but other than that? Good times, good times.

Progress: He's at it again!

Isaac is saying more words every week it seems. Here are some newer ones:
Bob (He loves that book and the way he tries to say it is adorable)
Go! (His face gets really long to make the o sound just right...again, adorable)
Ball (He only said that one once, but it was awesome)
Movie (Says more consistently now and has a fit when I tell him not now)

He is starting to go down stairs better with help or a railing. It is pretty worrisome to watch, though, ha!
But, he is a champ going up stairs. In fact! (Brag moment here) We were at the park the other day celebrating a birthday with family members.
 Before I knew it Isaac was a quarter way up the playground stairs, so I just watched. He made it all the way up all by himself AND he was able to maneuver to go down the slide. ALL BY HIMSELF before he is even two! This kid is a champ!

I can't tell you how proud I am of our little Isaac. He overcomes so many challenges. What an inspiration he is to me.

Another thing I love to see is that he is actually playing with toys now. Before he just ate them, ha. He now knows how to drive cars, play with little animals, and throw a ball back and forth. The more I work with him and the more repetition he has, the better he picks things up. (same with words) It's amazing to watch.

He uses a spoon more often with encouragement and continually gets better at maneuvering it just right into his mouth. My favorite was when he ate ice cream the other day. Now that's a good motivator. I need to get more pics up!

"Are You Going To Have More Kids?"

"Are you going to have more kids?"

That seems to be the golden question these days- and not just for me. As a carrier of a genetic syndrome it gets complicated.

Jeremy and I weighed adoption but still do not feel good about that.

Jeremy and I weighed the option of InVitro Fertilization (IVF), but the cost, time, and all that goes into it was a bit much- at least for now.

We even thought about having another one of our own but the consequences were hard to face.


We had a yard sale yesterday.
            A BABY yard sale.

Yup. I did it. It's all gone.

The cute little dresses, the blue robe with bunny slippers, the hats, the booties, the little shoes, the lacy bassinet...everything. Gone.

Unfortunately the yard sale didn't go so well. (I don't recommend them. So much work for so little return). So we gave some to people we know and the rest to the good ole DI. I hated it.

However, I just told myself that This isn't a hysterectomy! I can still have more kids later. And that pretty much got me through sorting all of the baby things.

It's weird to think that at age 25 I already have a 3 1/2 year-old, an almost 2 year-old, and...I'm probably done.

Now, don't get me wrong. Jeremy and I are not closing doors completely, but at least for now or any time in the very near future. And I think that's okay for us.

The day of the yard sale I learned something. Instead of waking up in dread and mourning thinking about why I'm having the yard sale, woe is me, etc. like I might typically do, I woke up with gratitude in my heart. I couldn't wait for my children to wake up and, when they did, looking at them-I was amazed. I love them SO much! They are perfect.

I won't lie. Isaac has put a whole new spin on life but I cannot help but just hug, squeeze, and kiss him at least a dozen time a day. And with the glasses on? Please! Who could resist. :)

All I have to say is life never turns out the way you thought it would, but it is good and there still is such a thing as a fairy tale.

Another thing I have learned throughout this whole process is that you truly cannot judge others for their decisions to have more kids, to not have any, to have one or two.There is a reason why it is typically a touchy subject.  That is a decision between husband and wife and God.