Now, don't get me wrong. When I was a young adult and Relief Society President I really liked Sundays! I got to flirt with boys, wear jewelry and cute clothes, study, and keep up on lessons. Now?
Well, now I have a husband cuter and more amazing than any guy I could've found in college, and yet I find myself getting angry when he can't read my mind Sunday morning.
The bag needs to be packed with snacks and drinks. Why are you napping?
Somebody's poopy. Do you smell that? I'm going to just walk away and wait for you to figure it didn't smell it. Fine.
Why am I getting everyone dressed? I'm not dressed. You are dressed.
So while I'm thinking hypocritical thoughts and getting angry that once again my oldest daughter has lost her shoe in her messy room I've asked her to clean a million times, I'm wondering if I read my scriptures this morning.
I had to get medicine for Isaac, medicine for me, breakfast for the kids on fast Sunday, and whatever else my morning is filled with that makes me late for one o'clock church (sad but true).

And as for jewelry these days? The less, the better. It usually ends up being a baby toy within minutes anyway and then later in the repair shop (aka my kitchen or messy drawer) for months.
And clothes? Any dress or skirt that isn't touching my ankles is likely to give someone a free show of my underwear. It just happens. You pick up a child and your skirt goes with it. Or one tug on your skirt from a toddler and it's over.
So today?
Wonder of wonders, Miracle of Miracles!
Although it didn't start out the best, church was a blessing.

First, Isaac got through Sacrament meeting (out in the foyer) without a tablet and only one moment of escape. Then, he went to the Primary room. This is a new thing and today our helper, Gayle, stayed with him instead of Jeremy.
Then Jeremy and I decided to try and take Eliza to nursery. I've taken her a few times and stayed with her but this time she stayed without me the whole time. I got to go to classes-it was weird!
When I came out of Relief Society, our last class of the 3-hour block, I found Isaac still in his wheelchair of comfort happy as can be.
The teachers put his class downstairs so that he could go in his chair. Gayle took him there and, according to his teachers, he folded his arms and did what the other kids were doing. I was shocked. I think they were surprised as well.
My favorite thing I heard is that he called some little stuffed buffalo the teachers brought for the lesson a puppy. So now they are going to bring it each week he comes to class. It makes me smile how he loves dogs. Puppy is one word he says regularly that everyone understands.
Needless to say, I came away from church today on a cloud. Isaac actually stayed the whole three hours and did good. I don't remember the last time that happened. It gives me hope. I just hope it lasts!

First, Isaac got through Sacrament meeting (out in the foyer) without a tablet and only one moment of escape. Then, he went to the Primary room. This is a new thing and today our helper, Gayle, stayed with him instead of Jeremy.
Then Jeremy and I decided to try and take Eliza to nursery. I've taken her a few times and stayed with her but this time she stayed without me the whole time. I got to go to classes-it was weird!
When I came out of Relief Society, our last class of the 3-hour block, I found Isaac still in his wheelchair of comfort happy as can be.
The teachers put his class downstairs so that he could go in his chair. Gayle took him there and, according to his teachers, he folded his arms and did what the other kids were doing. I was shocked. I think they were surprised as well.
My favorite thing I heard is that he called some little stuffed buffalo the teachers brought for the lesson a puppy. So now they are going to bring it each week he comes to class. It makes me smile how he loves dogs. Puppy is one word he says regularly that everyone understands.
Needless to say, I came away from church today on a cloud. Isaac actually stayed the whole three hours and did good. I don't remember the last time that happened. It gives me hope. I just hope it lasts!