Sunday, October 20, 2013

Grow Old Along With Me

Yesterday I saw a glimpse into what may be my future. I watched an old couple, probably in their late sixties or maybe even seventies. Along side them was a man in his thirties, I would think. I noticed he had special needs, though "high functioning," as everyone says these days.

These were his parents. Never to be empty-nesters. Never to see their child get married, have a successful career, drive, be independent. They all grow old together.

I always joke that we might as well have another with FXS and make it a party. Growing old together. It reminds me of one of my favorite songs, "Grow Old Along With Me" by John Lennon. It talks about a husband and wife and it is very tender, but this last line can pertain to Me, Jeremy, and Isaac.

Grow old along with me 
Whatever fate decrees 
We will see it through 
For our love is true 

So, come what may in this journey, Jeremy and I might always have our little buddy with us for company. As we see Amelia grow old and become independent,  hopefully to get married and have children of her own. As we go on a mission altogether, wherever it may be. 

I hope that Isaac will be taken care of when I am gone.

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