-Pulling up to stand
-cruising along on the couch, going between gaps
-Says Da-da all the time and will say ma-ma once in a while now
-Sleeping better, but still have rough spots
-Started clapping finally! It was totally legit!
-Finally getting to the pincer grasp stage
-Understands "No-no"and "Come here"

-Put three rings (at different time) on one of those pole toys
-Can do two of the five things to make the animals pop up from his toy (pull and push)
-There are more little things, but those are the most prominent.
Here are some concerns
-Hair pulling
-Not knowing when he is full?
-I wonder if he is beginning to fall a bit behind with cognitive areas and so forth, such as his babble, identifying objects if you say, "Where is your ball?", imitative gestures, and more.
-Attachment to bottle! (that can be for any kid)
He is doing very well, though. I just feel we have to be on top of things, not wait till he is delayed before we do anything about it.
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