The Parade of Pumpkins was way bigger this year than last year. We don't know if we will do it again because it is so much work for just our family. A lot of others helped, but as far as getting all the details, etc. WOW, lots of work. I was over the media and got Rachael and I an interview at the Spanish Fork 17. BYU newspaper also wrote an article about us. Joel had ties to the Deseret News and that was great, too. We had many friends and family, posters, signs of all kinds, and more to help spread the word. We wanted a bigger turn out, but there were tons more people this year. If we do it again I think it will continue to get bigger and grow in popularity.
The larger displays sold for a hundred dollars or more. Some of the single pumpkins were as little as a dollar. The bids went great. Face painting brought in a lot of donations, too. Shambray and I did this for about two and a half hours. I was nervous at first, but it was a lot of fun:) Stephanie Goodman came to help while her husband played in the band. There were so many that came from our ward to support, lots of pumpkin donations came from our ward as well. It was just wonderful. I am so grateful for all those that came! It means so much. I even saw an old co-worker that I have not seen in years come to support me.
It's things like this that make you feel like you are part of something so much bigger. You realize how many people are behind you and buoying you up in your trials and even your good times.
Looks like it was fun! Too bad we couldn't make it!