As parent of a child with Fragile X I have to realize that I am a Carrier. This means more than you might think.
Here are some things I have to worry about:
-Pregnancy/Child options
-Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (FXPOI)
-Tremor Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS)
I have found that being more open is best, so although I don't want to get too personal! You are all my friends, right!!!:)
In addition to thyroid problems, I have been struggling for a long time with anxiety and depression, which has recently reached its peak. I made the difficult decision to go to my doctor for help. Back in December a doctor told me that if things didn't change (heart racing so bad it shakes my body, shaking hands, etc.) then I need to be on Prozac or go to counselling. Needless to say, that was the worst visit ever.
So this last time I made Jeremy come with me and we went to Dr. Hyatt. He is my friend's Dad, so I trust him and feel more comfortable going to him. I cried the whole time. I mean, this isn't me! I'm happy! I don't need medication! I hate medication!
Okay, I'm on medication. Prozac.
But let me tell you! It has been a blessing. My family life, personal life, marriage, motherhood have changed for the better. In fact, one of the biggest reasons I took myself into the doctor for help is so that my daughter could have a better mother. She deserves a mom that is happy, kind, not ornery all the time, less anxious, etc. so that I can teach her more by example.
We'll see how the counselling part goes.
We'll see how the counselling part goes.
Okay, enough of that.
Everyone was wondering if I was pregnant when we got the van and bunkbeds...
I wish I was...
It's really hard as a carrier of a genetic syndrome to have faith enough to have children. Since having a child with Fragile X and truly understanding just what we are has been harder to be faithful.
But I want another child. SO bad.
In vetro fertilization?
Another child of my own with the possibility of FXS?
No more children.
No more children.
SO this is where I am. Where my family is right now with FXS. IF you wanted to know:)
I didn't know you were struggling! I'm sorry your dealing with that, depression is not fun I've been there. Love you!! I'm here for you if you need it!