Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spoon It Up! And Buttons

Guess who used a spoon today!!!


Okay, just kidding.

Isaac! Pshh, who'd ya think?

It was fun to watch. He got about as much on the spoon as he did on his hand that was scooping it. But I'm SO proud of him! Hopefully we can keep this up. Sometimes he does things one day and never again. I think this one will stick if I keep working with him.

Also, his speech therapist offered an alternative language option to sign language. It is a speech button. I record my voice saying something like, "more," and then he pushes the button when he wants more. He hasn't really taken to it much yet...about as much as the sign language.
However, he is definitely improving on his babbling. He has so many more sounds and fluctuation. I have high hopes. I think he will be talking by...three. :) I try to talk to him all the time. I know I was better with Millie because I was less busy!

Doing well over here!

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