Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I Think I Can!

Isaac can do so many things now. Here are some improvements since last time:
-He can cruise a lot better along furniture and even goes between gaps
-He put three shapes in the shape sorter toy
-He is clapping better and more frequently
-He is now frequently saying "ma-ma"
-He did imitative sounds for ma-ma and da-da. Big deal:)
-Can follow a few directions without gestures
-Imitates some gestures (like clapping)
-Understanding concepts of stacking blocks, throwing the ball, etc.

Right now I am working with him in the following areas:
-Pointing to things he wants
-Fine motor skills, like the pincer grasp

It takes a lot of people to help Isaac get to where he needs to be, but he is doing so well and he catches on quick!

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