Sunday, November 17, 2013

The OT (not the OC)

We had an Occupational therapist come visit Isaac this past week. He seemed to think that Isaac is high-functioning and doing well. That means he will probably only come a few more times for some sensory ideas and support but that's it.

I don't know whether to be happy about that or not. I think he could benefit from the OT, but I have some exercises up my sleeve to help with Isaac's point, pincer grasp, and other fine motor as well as sensory needs. I'm his best advocate!:)

I guess it's good that he doesn't need the OT...unless he really does. I don't want to wait until he really needs it or until he is delayed before any action is taken, though.

Our Physical therapist (PT) will be leaving us after Isaac begins to walk. I like the support and extra help from the therapists. I hope I do okay when they are gone. Most importantly, I hope that Isaac does okay.

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