Monday, November 18, 2013

Ultrasound update

So I took Isaac in to do the ultrasound on his head today. I don't like going to the hospital. There is so much sadness and tragedy there. I know there is a ton of good, too, though.
The guy doing the ultrasound was wondering why Isaac was even going in. (He isn't the only one). Everything looks good and even though they are not technically supposed to say anything he told me everything looks "normal." In fact he said that Isaac is the most normal person he has seen all day. I found that kind of funny.
I guess I'm beginning to believe what Sister Hillman said to me when she found out Isaac had FXS. "You'll just be glad it's Fragile X and not something else."

I can't believe how well Isaac is doing. Is a beautiful little one year old boy with lots of smiles and energy and I count my blessings every day. I am so happy that he is okay and there is nothing to worry about from the ultrasound.

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