Sunday, January 26, 2014

I Have A Dream

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day I thought I'd write my own speech:) Cmm Cmm.

I Had A Dream
My son would grow up and play sports
Get high honors
Go on Dates with great girls
Go to college and graduate
Get married in the temple
serve a full-time mission....

But sometimes our dreams change. We remember what is most important

I Have A Dream

My son will have friends that will love and respect him
           He will enjoy day to day life
                      He will make others happy
                                Serve a mission with Jeremy and I and/or service mission
          Have a sense of independence
   Jeremy and I (and a whole lot of others) will build a home for those with Fragile X Syndrome                     where they can live and be happy, especially when their parents and other care givers have                      passed on.

And one thing I am happy to know is that I never have to worry if he will reach the Celestial Kingdom. I just have to worry that I can tag along on his coat-tails;)

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