Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I had Isaac tested for several allergies not too long ago. He has vomited up peas after eating them ever since he was little. He used to have a definite reaction to whole wheat as well. There have been a few other things and I dreaded my little FXS boy having more challenges.
I got good news a week or so ago, however. He is not allergic to any of that. However, throwing up after eating peas is just as good an allergy as any. The doctor said it was just an "intolerance." So I guess he has an intolerance to peas. AKA we will not be eating peas.
No else likes them but me anyway. I'll continue my ways ha ha

PS, it's so weird. Whenever Isaac gets his blood drawn he just sits perfectly still and watches. I mean, how many actually see him sitting still ever? Maybe it is because he is always tired at that time, I say lots of prayers, he may like the sensory there.

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