Thursday, February 27, 2014


We were supposed to have Isaac's IFSP today, but we all have colds or something. No fun. My house is also a mess and my uncle Mark just passed away. So, pretty much I'm not in the mood for people coming over to assess Isaac and tell me that he is now in "the grey area." No thanks.

I was going to go to a Fragile X Conference in California this summer. There are many reasons why I ended up deciding against it, but one point my sister brought up is that I probably would have a hard time. She knows I wouldn't do well seeing others with Fragile X Syndrome that are very low functioning or hearing about all the hard things that I may face in the future. I also don't do well finding out more things to worry about, whether it is about Isaac with Fragile X or me as a Carrier. Like I've said. Sometimes I pretend I'm in my happy-go-lucky world in rose-colored glasses. And...sometimes I think that is okay. :)

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