Thursday, February 27, 2014

Physical Therapy

Isaac's physical therapist is very proud of how well Isaac is doing. He is getting so close to really walking. He has taken 23 steps (I have to count every one). Right now we are working on showing him how to get up by himself in the middle of a room and walk. I think once he gets that he will walk even more. He is so close. I'm still hoping he will be walking by Millie's birthday at the end of March.

He actually put a puzzle piece in the other day. A few. We got a peg puzzle with only four large shapes and large knobs. He also likes to put big pieces of plastic money in the chubby piggy bank we have. He can get a few in there and I know he is excited about it. Some of the littlest things can be so frustrating to him, but I am so proud of how he will keep trying.

I guess we are the same way. Sometimes we can't do things...yet. We just need to be patient with ourselves and keep trying. We may have a moment to cry and pity ourselves, but the most important thing is not giving up and enduring until we accomplish the task/goal.

Isaac has taught me many things and continues to do so. I know he has much more up his sleeve:).

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