I feel like Isaac understands more and more. He is such a character.
I am also starting to worry about how much he rocks. He does it on his bum scoot, of course, and when he dances:) But that's how he puts himself to sleep. Is my child going to be that kid in the corner humming to himself, rocking back and forth? :( I hope not. But...I'll love him just the same:)
This kid loves music! He is pretty good at the maracas, drums, tambourine, and cymbals:) He always calms down when we play the guitar. That and the vacuum are a sure way to stop the craziness and crying.
These two sure get tuckered out when we go to Grandma Judy's house! Cuteness. Oh, and that was one of Grandma's treasures she found us in the back seat. Gotta love the new van!
Isaac is starting to get into all kinds of things. It took him awhile, but now he is twice the trouble! Music, clothes, books, you name it. Let it begin!
And Millie turned three! But Isaac slept through it all. It's okay, it was a total GIRL party!