Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Isaac's Progress According To Kids On The Move

We were finally able to do the IFSP with a few KOTM service educators. I always felt like Isaac was about three months behind. I put him in the age category of 13 months. When I saw what they put him at I decided, on average, I was right.
It ended up being a good meeting. Nothing too surprising, though I wish he were doing better in his communication. I guess I know where to focus now. Now that he is walking I feel like we can look at other things and concentrate time and effort into communication.
We practice signing, we talk to him a lot, tell him what things are, etc. Some goals we set have to do with that, but we also did things like pointing and shape sorting/puzzles.

Here are the results.

Gross Motor: no significant delay, age Equiv. 15 months
Fine Motor: No significant delay, age equiv. 14 months
Cognitive: No significant delay: age Equiv. 14 mos
Receptive Communication: Delay is moderate, age equiv. 12 months
Expressive Communication: Delay is moderate, age equiv 12 months
Adaptive(dressing, feeding, etc.): Delay is not significant, age equiv. 17 months

AND....Drum Roll Please.....
Social or Emotional: No significant delay, Age Equiv. 19 months.

Yay! My little social butterfly. He teaches Amelia a lot:) They teach each other. I'm glad he is doing well socially because that is really what is going to help him and get him through life.

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